
Julie Wurzer

In 2001 I went from Julie, the Agronomist, to starting my own venture.  The creativity that I had pushed back for so long emerged and my creative river began to flow again.  I dug out the sewing machine that my Mom had given me as a college graduation gift and began to stitch.

Every small business starts with nothing but an idea steeped in passion.  After “listening” to my imagination and jumping back into my river of creativity, Patch Abilities Pattern Company came into existence.

Today, I am grateful beyond words.  I’m a mom to 2 great boys and living life by my own design.  By intention, Patch Abilities is a pattern company that specializes in creating “approachable patterns that invite beginners into this soul-satisfying hobby of quilting”.  I love creating small applique designs with minimal basic sewing, and simple designs to applique, so a beginner can do it and not “screw it up”.  I write our patterns with simple yet complete instructions, so that anyone can pick it up and create the cute design without frustration, no matter their skill level. Consider yourself invited to create and live fearless.

Julie Wurzer

Designer Collections
